Monday, 29 April 2013

Alien Head

This project was very interesting. This is incredible how normal maps can turn so low poly mesh into something detailed. And there are no word to express my feelings about Z-Brush, this software is magical.

Here are my textures.

I decided to make render of the head in Marmoset because I feel a bit more free in it. A happy accident happened to me when I was rendering. The original eyes are different, I used technique with transparent shells with high specularity on top of the actual eyes, it worked perfectly fine in Maya but I wasn't able to make those shells transparent in Marmoset. In the end they turned black and it actually looked much better because I use sharks as inspiration for this character and some of them have really empty looking dark eyes.

Some details have been lost and some colours changed a bit because of the AO map and difference in shader, so here is my z-tool for comparison.

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